GW Eye Associates

Do Eye Allergies Affect My Candidacy for LASIK?

Jun 3, 2015 @ 08:23 AM — by Gordon Wong, OD
Tagged with: Lasik Eye Allergies

Patients at GW Eye Associates always receive detailed information about their eye care options. This is what makes our team among the most trusted eye care centers in the San Diego area.

Many people who come to our practice have questions about laser eye surgery and refractive procedures. We'd like to address the matter of eye allergies and LASIK surgery right now.

What are eye allergies?

Eye allergies refer to the various reactions one's eyes have when exposed to allergens that are in the air. These eye allergy reactions will accompany stuffy or runny noses, sneezing, and other common signs of allergies.

Common Signs of Eye Allergies

When you experience an eye allergy, the following things are likely to happen:

Keep in mind that these are very natural reactions to allergens that millions of Americans experience.

Eye Allergies vs. Dry Eye Syndrome

While eye allergies can be uncomfortable, they are quite different from dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome refers to cases in which the tear ducts are not as active as they ought to be or do not produce eye moisture at all. This can lead to major discomfort.

While dry eye can occur as a result of eye allergies, it's not the same as dry eye syndrome. In fact, if a patient has dry eye syndrome, he or she will not be considered a good candidate for LASIK surgery.

If I have eye allergies, can I still undergo LASIK?


Even if your eye allergies are severe, you will still be a potential candidate for LASIK so long as you are 18 years old, are not pregnant or nursing, have good and healthy corneas of average thickness, and your vision has been stable for at least a year.

In fact, when people wear contacts, their eye allergies may actually be made worse since dust, pollen, and particulate matter may become stuck to a contact lens or trapped beneath a contact lens. By eliminating your dependence on contacts, LASIK can actually allow patients to experience less serious issues with eye allergies.

Candidacy for LASIK or a LASIK alternative can be determined during a full consultation.

Tips for Post-Operative Care Following LASIK

After LASIK surgery, there are a few things that you can do to prevent eye allergies from occurring:

Learn More About LASIK Surgery

For more information about LASIK and how it can help you see clearly without glasses or contact lenses, it's important that you contact our advanced eye care and vision correction center today. The team here at GW Eye Associates will go over all of your options for enhancing your vision.