GW Eye Associates

LASIK vs. Contact Lenses: Making the Best Eye Care Decisions

Jul 23, 2015 @ 09:24 AM — by Gordon Wong, OD
Tagged with: Lasik Contact Lenses

There are so many ways to enhance your vision, and the team at GW Eye Associates Inc is happy to answer any and all questions that you may have about them. This willingness to listen and to educate has made our team one of the leading eye care and vision correction centers in the San Diego area.

Many patients ask us, “How does LASIK surgery compare to contact lenses?” Let's look into this issue right now.

About LASIK Surgery

LASIK is a laser vision correction option that is designed to treat refractive errors. Using a safe surgical laser, an eye surgeon is able to reshape the corneal contour. By doing this, light that passes through the eyes will properly focus on the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue located at the back of the eyes.

LASIK is an ideal treatment option for refractive errors, which you may know better by the following terms:

Good Candidates for LASIK Surgery

Good candidates for LASIK are people who are at least 18 years old, not pregnant or nursing, and who suffer from a refractive error. It's important that LASIK candidates have had a stable vision prescription for at least a year leading into surgery, and that they have not experienced an injury or eye infection within the last year as well. Patients with thin corneas and patients who experience dry eye syndrome are not good candidates for LASIK.

The Advantages of LASIK

There are numerous advantages to LASIK surgery. For one, the results are long-lasting, allowing patients to see clearly without the aid of corrective lenses for years and years to come. In addition, the procedure is quick and the recovery period is brief as well.

LASIK can also help prevent issues with eye allergies when compared to contact lenses. Sometimes people with eye allergies experience worse issues with symptoms because pollen and other irritants get trapped under or on a contact lens. This is not an issue with LASIK.

About Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a reliable option for correcting vision. These lenses are worn in the eye and help improve clarity and quality of vision. There are different kinds of contact lenses that may be used depending on the needs of the patient.

Good Candidates for Contact Lenses

Good candidates for contact lenses are patients who may not be ideal candidates for LASIK or other refractive procedures and would prefer to not wear glasses. Since there are different kinds of contact lenses available, the vast majority of people who require vision correction of some form will be able to wear contact lenses of some kind.

The Advantages of Contact Lenses

Compared to LASIK, contact lenses are more affordable up front. (Though some studies and number crunchers suggest a lifetime of contacts may be just as much as a LASIK surgery.) Contact lenses are a non-surgical eye care solution, which means no risk of severe side effects or complications.

Discussing Your Options for Eye Care

Weighing all pros and cons is crucial for good vision care. During your consultation with our team, we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions and address your concerns so that you can make a confident decision about your vision options.

Learn More About Advanced Vision Correction Treatment

If you would like to learn more about your options for enhancing your vision and improving the overall health of your eyes, be sure to contact our team of eye care specialists today. The entire team here at GW Eye Associates Inc looks forward to your visit and helping you make the best possible choices when it comes to advanced eye care.