GW Eye Associates

Treat Retinal Disorders to Preserve Vision

Jun 14, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Gordon Wong, OD
Tagged with: Retinal Diseases Eye Care

The retina is a thin membrane at the back of the eye. This fragile tissue is composed primarily of nerve cells. These nerve cells, or neurons, act as transmitters that send signals to the brain so images can be processed. A healthy and functioning retina is vital to a person’s vision. Unfortunately, there are many disorders that can compromise the retina and its ability to function. While many of these disorders will result in side effects, symptoms do not always develop right away. This is why routine eye exams to evaluate internal and external ocular health are so important. At GW Eye Associates, our doctors examine the eyes for any signs of retinal abnormalities. We understand that, to successfully treat the various types of retinal disorders for our San Diego patients, we must diagnose these conditions early on.

Types of Retinal Disorders

There are many diseases and disorders that can cause the retina to malfunction. In most cases, this malfunction causes a disruption that prevents the retina’s neuron receptors from transmitting information to the brain. As retinal disorders progress, patients may experience blurry vision, flashes and floaters, night blindness, or sudden vision loss. Below are some of the most common types of retinal disorders:

Treating Retinal Disorders

Each type of retinal disorder is unique and will require its own treatment. However, despite the type of retinal disorder that is being suffered, the primary goal of treatment will be to preserve the patient’s vision. In many cases, damage to the retina is irreversible. This is why early treatment is so essential. It is important to diagnose and treat retinal disorders while there is still time to save a person’s vision.

Contact Us

At GW Eye Associates, our doctors are dedicated to helping patients preserve eye health so that they can continue to enjoy clear, focused vision. If you are in need of a comprehensive eye exam, or have questions about our other eye care services, contact us at your earliest convenience.