GW Eye Associates

Determining the Best LenSx® Candidates

May 12, 2017 @ 08:19 AM — by Gordon Wong, OD
Tagged with: Cataract Surgery Eye Care

The best LenSx® candidates are patients who have cloudy or impaired vision as a result of cataracts. Choosing to undergo treatment with LenSx® laser technology allows our doctors at Gordon Wong Eye Design & Optometry in La Jolla, CA and Solana Beach, CA to perform this procedure with better precision, thus in turn delivering a faster recovery and more desirable results. If you are unsure whether you are a good candidate for this corrective eye surgery, one of our doctors will help determine your candidacy during a detailed eye examination.

What Are Cataracts?

Cataracts are the result of the clumping of proteins in your natural lenses. When this occurs, it causes cloudy and distorted vision. As part of the natural aging process, it is estimated that over 20 million people in the United States over the age of 40 suffer from cataracts.

If cataracts are left unaddressed, they can lead to severely impaired vision and even blindness. Because the early stages of cataracts are virtually undetectable, it’s important to attend yearly eye examinations with a trusted and highly trained ophthalmologist.

Common signs and symptoms of cataracts include:

Although certain eye drops and corrective contact lenses and eye glasses can help manage the early side effects of cataracts, eventually you will need to undergo cataract surgery. This procedure will involve removing the natural lens and replacing it with a synthetic intraocular lens. The type of lens chosen will depend on a variety of factors.

Are You a Good Candidate?

Most patients who suffer from cataracts are good candidates for LenSx® cataract surgery. However, because each patient and eye is different, a detailed examination will be required before undergoing this procedure. Compared to traditional cataract surgery, LenSx® cataract surgery is bladeless and completed with computer guided laser technology, offering better precision and a reduced risk for human error.

Patients with small eyes, disproportionate pupils, glaucoma, macular degeneration, or corneal opacities may not qualify for this procedure. During your consultation, the doctor will perform a series of tests and measurements on your eyes using state-of-the-art technology to determine if you are a good candidate. Dr. Wong will also discuss the intraocular lenses available to replace your distorted natural lenses and provide clearer vision.

As an added benefit, LenSx® laser technology can also help correct astigmatism, an eye condition that causes problems focusing as a result of a misshaped cornea or lens. Patients who undergo cataract corrective surgery with laser technology are able to achieve a faster recovery, eliminate prescription eyewear, and significantly enhance their vision. Some patients are even able to achieve better vision than they had as a child.

Contact Us Today

If you interested in learning more about the benefits of LenSx® laser surgery and whether you would be a good candidate for this procedure, contact our office online today or by calling (858) 454-4699 to schedule your consultation.