GW Eye Associates

Recovering from Clear Lens Extraction

Aug 28, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Gordon Wong, OD
Tagged with: Clear Lens Extraction

Many people with vision impairment are in search of a more permanent and convenient solution than corrective lenses. In recent years, LASIK has become the norm for those patients looking to eliminate their reliance on glasses or contact lenses. While LASIK offers a number of benefits, it is not right for all patients. Clear lens extraction is an alternative for people who are considered poor LASIK candidates.

Clear lens extraction involves removing the natural lens of the eye and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens, which is much like a permanent contact lens. The lens corrects common forms of vision impairment to provide patients with clearer vision to minimize their dependency on prescription lenses.

Clear lens extraction is safe and effective, but it does alter the natural tissues of the eye, so it will take time to fully recover. We are happy to provide patients with information regarding clear lens extraction recovery following treatment at our La Jolla, CA eye care center.

Side Effects

Clear lens extraction is a fairly short surgical procedure that is performed using numbing eye drops to ensure patient comfort throughout treatment. While there should be no discomfort during treatment, patients may experience mild pain or irritation during the first few days of recovery. This is just one common side effect of clear lens exchange. Other side effects that typically develop during clear lens exchange recovery include the following:

In most cases, side effects are minimal. Many patients find that they are able to return to work within a day or two after surgery. Within a week after surgery, side effects should have resolved. However, vision may continue to fluctuate slightly until the eyes have completely healed from surgery, which typically takes about a month.

Recovery Tips

It is important to care for the eyes properly following clear lens exchange. By adhering to post-surgical care instructions, patients can minimize the risk of surgical complications. Below are some important tips for post-surgical care:

Follow-up Care

Follow-up care is a vital part of the recovery process. We will schedule follow-up appointments for one day after surgery and one week after surgery. This allows us to monitor healing and visual improvement. If everything looks good at these appointments, we will schedule additional follow-up exams for one month after treatment and three months after treatment. If vision has stabilized by time of the three-month check-up, we will consider follow-up care complete.

Contact Us

Clear lens extraction is a revolutionary treatment that allows patients to restore optimal vision without relying on glasses or contact lenses. If you are interested in learning more about clear lens extraction or the other laser vision correction procedures available at Gordon Wong Eye Designs & Optometry, contact us at your earliest convenience.