GW Eye Associates

Conditions That Affect Peripheral Vision

Sep 13, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Gordon Wong, OD
Tagged with: Eye Exams Eye Care

At Gordon Wong Eye Designs & Optometry, we offer comprehensive eye exams along with the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of vision problems. Our vision care services encompass a variety of conditions, including those that affect peripheral vision. Early intervention is essential when it comes to managing eye conditions that affect peripheral vision, which is why we encourage patients of our eye care practice to have at least annual eye exams. Even people with seemingly excellent vision can benefit from regular eye exams, as an ounce of prevention truly is worth a pound of cure when it comes to the health of your eyes.

We encourage you to read about the following common conditions that affect peripheral vision as described by our La Jolla, CA vision care experts. We then urge you to schedule your comprehensive eye exam at Gordon Wong Eye Designs & Optometry, especially if you haven’t had an eye exam within the past year.

There is nothing more precious than your vision. Regular eye exams can help to ensure that you maintain optimal vision for a lifetime.

Tunnel Vision: The Loss of Peripheral Vision

When a person loses his or her peripheral vision, whether entirely or partially, the resulting condition is referred to as “tunnel vision.” The practical result of tunnel vision is a visual field that is essentially a circle directly in front of the eyes, as though looking through a tunnel. The person’s peripheral vision may be heavily distorted or simply blacked out.

Common Vision Conditions That Compromise Peripheral Vision

The most common vision conditions that can compromise a person’s peripheral vision include:

As serious as these conditions are, loss of peripheral vision can indicate even more serious damage to the brain, such as might occur during a stroke. Therefore, any change in peripheral vision should be treated as a medical emergency and be dealt with immediately.

Learn More about Conditions That Affect Peripheral Vision

To learn more about conditions that affect peripheral vision, please contact Gordon Wong Eye Designs & Optometry today.