GW Eye Associates

Updated Contact Lens Prescription

May 7, 2019 @ 10:55 AM — by Gordon Wong, OD
Tagged with: Contact Lenses Corrective Lenses

If you’d like to improve your vision quality but are not interested in glasses or laser eye surgery, you should consider getting contacts. Hard and soft prescription contact lenses enhance your vision and help you enjoy all that life has to offer. Dr. Gordon G. Wong and Dr. Wildon C. Wong have helped countless patients throughout La Jolla, CA get the most comfortable and ideal contact lenses for their needs.

After a while, you’re going to need to update your vision prescription. The team at Gordon Wong Eye Designs & Optometry would like to go over a few issues related to updating a contact lens prescription.

How Long Will My Contact Lens Prescription Last?

If you’re talking about how long your vision will remain stable, that can vary from patient to patient. Age, eye injuries, eye strain, and other factors will play a role in how stable your vision is from year to year.

Given that, some patients may notices changes in their vision every two years, while other patients may notice stable vision for a prolonged period of time until middle age. Around a your 40s, you may start to experience an age-related form of vision loss known as presbyopia.

Signs You Need New Contact Lenses

Some common signs that you need a new contact lens prescription include:

When signs of poor vision arise, it’s a good idea to consider new contact lenses.

Will My Contact Lens Prescription Expire?


Many patients do not realize this, but there is an expiration date on a contact lens prescription you’ve been issued. Federally, the Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act (FCLCA) states that contact lens prescriptions expire after one year. However, in the state of California, there is a state-mandated two-year expiration date for contact lens prescriptions.

Once the prescription has expired, you’ll either need to have the prescription renewed, or undergo a new eye exam.

Can New Contacts Be Purchased without a Prescription?


Since contact lenses are a medical device, it is necessary to have a prescription in order to purchase them.

Undergoing an Eye Exam

If you require a new prescription for contact lenses, it will be crucial that you come to our Del Mar or La Jolla offices for an eye exam. Our team of vision doctors will note how your vision has changed and generate a new prescription to enhance your overall vision quality.

In addition to updating your vision prescription, we can perform additional eye tests to monitor the health of your eyes and check for signs of other vision issues.

Picking the Right Type of Contact Lenses

Once your new prescription has been determined, you can then decide if you’d like to change the type of contacts you have. There are numerous options to pick from with regard to soft contacts, hard contacts, and hybrid lenses. We can walk you through the advantages and disadvantages of various options so you can make the ideal choice for your eyesight and overall sense of well being.

Learn More About Contact Lenses

For more information about getting new contacts and improving your vision quality, be sure to contact a skilled eye doctor and vision correction specialist. The team at GW Eye Associates is here to help. You can reach our eye care practice in La Jolla by phone at (858) 454-4699.