GW Eye Associates

Why Is Contact Lens Replacement Important?

Dec 18, 2020 @ 04:39 PM — by Gordon Wong, OD
Tagged with: Importance Of Contact Lens Replacement

Thanks to prescription contact lenses, you can see clearly without wearing frames. Many patients come to GW Eye Associates to find out about different contact lenses available that will enhance their vision and cause minimal hassles or discomfort. It’s important to replace your contact lenses regularly, following your optometrist's guidelines for removal and replacement.

We know some people with contact lenses try to extend the life of their contacts, which is a bad idea. The team at our vision centers serving La Jolla, Carmel Valley, and San Diego, CA, would like to discuss why you need to replace your contacts, and what happens if you keep your old contacts for too long.

The Replacement Schedule Exists for a Reason

There are replacement instructions for contact lenses to ensure the safety and comfort of the wearer. If you have daily disposable contacts, for instance, you should not wear them for more than a single day. They are designed for one-time use.

Pushing the replacement schedule can lead to significant vision problems as well as hazards to the health of your eyes.

What Happens When I Leave My Contacts in for Too Long?

If you wear your contacts for longer than instructed, it affects the amount of moisture your eye receives while also cutting off its oxygen supply. This can lead to a number of issues, including:

This is why you need to take out your contacts as instructed. You should also avoid wearing contacts during sleep unless you have contacts that are designed to be worn overnight.

What Happens When I Wear Contacts Longer Than Their Replacement Schedule?

Contact lenses become exposed to proteins and other substances produced by your eyes whenever they are worn. Even when you clean them thoroughly, a haze of this natural protein forms along the contacts. When you wear your contacts for longer than their replacement schedule, you’ll start to notice blurry vision.

If you continue to push the replacement schedule of your contacts beyond their limits, more serious issues arise. The accumulation of proteins and other substances will lead to eye irritation and discomfort while the contacts are in. There is also an increased risk of eye infection, which can damage the cornea and cause vision loss.

How Often Should I Replace My Contacts?

To avoid risks to your comfort and vision, be sure to follow the replacement schedule provided by your optometrist. If you have questions about the replacement schedule, contact them to verify rather than putting your eyesight at risk.

Can I Get Different Contacts with a Different Replacement Schedule?

Yes. You can speak with your optometrist about changing the types of contacts you wear. There will likely be an option with a replacement schedule that’s right for your needs. Common replacement schedules for disposable contacts range from daily to monthly.

How Often Will I Need a New Contact Lens Prescription?

Whenever you notice a change in your vision quality, it’s a good idea to undergo an eye exam. An optometrist can assess your current vision quality, update your prescription, and check for any conditions that may be affecting your vision.

Contact GW Eye Associates

Dr. Gordon G. Wong and Dr. Wildon C. Wong are happy to discuss contact lenses with you in greater detail. To learn more, contact our team of optometrists online or call our practice at (858) 454-4699.