GW Eye Associates

Eye Care Tips for Summer

Apr 22, 2023 @ 08:03 AM — by Gordon Wong, OD
Tagged with: Eye Care Tips For Summer

As we transition from spring to summer, many are in the throes of planning their seasonal activities—trips to the beach, backyard barbecues, and outdoor excursions with friends and family. With the warm weather and abundance of sunshine, it’s crucial to take good care of yourself—which isn’t exclusive to applying sunblock. Your eyes need to stay protected, too.

As a leading provider of comprehensive eye care in the La Jolla, Carmel Valley, and San Diego, CA-area, GW Eye Associates has put together these helpful eye care tips for summer.

Wear UV Sunglasses

Just because lenses appear dark doesn’t mean they will protect your eyes from harmful rays. Wear sunglasses with 100% ultraviolet (UV) protection; they will block the full spectrum of UVA and UVB rays. It’s worth noting that the sun’s rays are able to pass through clouds and haze; don’t forget to wear them on summer days that seem overcast.

Additionally, did you know that eyes can be sunburned? Photokeratitis, the name for the actual condition, occurs when your eye is exposed to UV rays. When sunlight shines off water, sand, or another highly reflective surface, the rays can burn the surface of your eye and result in discomfort and blurriness.

Keep a Hat Handy

While sunglasses offer some protection, further decrease your exposure to sunlight and harmful rays by wearing a hat that can act as a shield over the tops of your eyes, your eyelids, as well as the sides of your face.

Don’t Swim with Contact Lenses in

Whether you’re driving to the beach or making a spontaneous detour to take a dip at a nearby body of water, be cognizant of your contacts. Lakes, rivers, and even pools can be contaminated with bacteria and microorganisms that can get underneath contact lenses and result in an infection. Wear goggles to reduce irritation and splash your eyes with fresh, clean water after you’re done swimming.

Protect Your Eyes When Working or Playing Outside

From mowing the grass and gardening to working on the motorcycle, harmful chemicals, flying debris, and other hazards are something to be wary of. Outdoor sports can also result in injury that could have been avoided if proper eye protection was worn. When taking up these sorts of activities, make sure to wear wrap-around eyewear or recommended face shields.

Wash Your Hands Frequently

With summer comes outdoor gatherings and being around more people, more oftenfor hikes, beach days, and other outdoor activities. Make sure to wash your hands frequently so as to not contaminate your eyes with dirt or germs. You should consider carrying hand sanitizer with you as a temporary alternative if you don’t have immediate access to soap and clean water.

Contact GW Eye Associates

Our team is here to help you make the most out of every season with a full range of eye care solutions. From routine eye exams in La Jolla, CA, and designer eyewear to our tailored treatments for a wide variety of eye conditions, we’re proud to be the go-to optometrist for many throughout the greater San Diego area. For more information about eye care tips for the summer or to schedule an eye care appointment, get in touch with our team today.