GW Eye Associates

What Patients Should Know About LASIK Surgery as a Treatment for Farsightedness (Hyperopia)

Mar 30, 2014 @ 08:08 AM — by Gordon Wong, OD
Tagged with: Lasik Eye Care

Modern advances in eye care technology have allowed us to help patients with various needs. This means using traditional corrective lenses as well as the latest in laser technology to help people see clearly. Skilled optometrists have the knowledge and skill to enhance the overall quality of your vision, and they will be able to help you make the smartest choices for your needs.

One of the most popular vision correction options out there today is LASIK surgery. We'd like to take a moment right now to consider how LASIK can be used to treat hyperopia, a vision problem that you probably know better by the term "farsightedness."

About LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery is a refractive procedure, meaning that it involves the reshaping of the cornea, the clear frontal portion of the eye. By reshaping the cornea, light passes through the eye properly and focuses on the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.

LASIK Surgery and Refractive Farsightedness (Hyperopia)

As a refractive error, farsightedness refers to cases in which light passing through the eyes focuses behind the retina. LASIK will reshape the cornea so that the light properly focuses on it.

LASIK is ideal for addressing patients who have mild to moderate farsightedness. Patients who have severe farsightedness may not be good candidates for LASIK surgery. Patients who have poorly shaped corneas, thin corneas, or who suffer from dry eye syndrome may not be good candidates for LASIK. Your candidacy for surgery can be discussed in greater detail during your consultation with a laser eye surgery specialist.

LASIK Surgery and Presbyopia

Another form of hyperopia may occur as part of the natural aging process. This is known as presbyopia. Rather than a flaw in corneal shape, presbyopia is caused by the gradual hardening and loss of flexibility in the lens of the eye.

Laser eye surgery can address a number of different vision problems, and while the surgery affects the cornea of the eye rather than the lens, LASIK can be used to treat presbyopia. The procedure is known as monovision LASIK, and it involves the correction of only one of the patient's eyes while the other eye remains uncorrected. Candidacy for this form of treatment as well as other options for addressing presbyopia can be addressed in more detail during your visit.

Is LASIK surgery the right option for me?

LASIK has helped millions of people around the world experience excellent vision, so it may be ideal for you and your needs. The only way to find out for sure is scheduling a consultation with an eye care specialist in your area.

Learn More About Advanced Eye Care Treatment

If you would like to learn more about all of your options for improving the quality of your vision, be sure to contact our La Jolla vision correction and eye care center today. The entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and going over all kinds of vision correction solutions in greater detail. By answering all of your questions and addressing your concerns, you will be able to make empowered choices about your health.