About Our Practice
At GW Eye Associates, exceptional care is our top priority. We strive to exceed the expectations of our patients and provide highly effective treatment in a caring and friendly manner. Dr. Gordon Wong, Dr. Wildon Wong, and our staff look forward to meeting your eye care needs at our optometry and laser vision correction practice in La Jolla, CA.

We accept most insurance plans, including VSP, Eyemed, MES, United Healthcare, Cigna, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Medicare, and most PPO’s. Although many people do not have vision coverage per se, their medical insurance can often be billed for the visit if a medical condition exists and is diagnosed during the eye exam. At our optometry practice, we can help in such matters. Meanwhile, if you are in need of new glasses or repairs, our onsite lab can often provide these services in a day.

Contact Us
Contact our optometry and laser vision correction center in La Jolla to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians. We are happy to provide for a wide variety of ophthalmology needs and would be honored to work with you to improve your vision.